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9 Ways To Always Good Mood

9 Ways To Always Good Mood

There are many ways to make a happy heart and a spirit body.

Pumping up a good mood every day can make you more successful and happy. Do not let negative influences from around you can discourage you. These nine small and simple things can help keep your mood positive even if it is attacked by negative influences.

1. Smile
Get used to smile sincerely. Smile when you wake up in the morning and are thankful you are still given the opportunity to enjoy life. Smile when meeting someone you know or meeting new people.

Putting on a cheerful face can affect your mood all day. Even though problems and conflicts keep coming, smiling and cheerful faces can help strengthen you face it.

2. Get up early
Rushing in the morning can ruin your mood. Be excited about waiting for the vehicle to come, the stress of facing traffic jams, to have to run for fear of being late can bring unfavorable effects on you in the morning.

Try to get up early a little early, so that you can prepare yourself more relaxed to face the next activity. Take breakfast before leaving to increase the enthusiasm of activity.

3. Rest
Sleeping at least 8 hours a day is important to improve mood. Adequate sleep also affects health and can help improve concentration throughout the day. Make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable for resting. Turn off the lights and keep the electronics away for quality sleep. Use a comfortable mattress and pillow to get a better sleep.

After waking up, take time to make the bed before leaving for the move. When the body is tired of going home on the move, finding a messy room can certainly make the heart more turbid. But if welcomed a neat room and an arranged bed can certainly make the heart more calm. This habit may be heavy at first, but if done routinely can certainly bring a positive influence in your daily life.

4. Don't forget the hobby
Leave at least 10 minutes a day to do your hobby. Starting from watching movies, drawing, playing music, or whatever your hobbies try to set aside at least 10 minutes a day to do it. In addition to honing skills and increasing knowledge, this habit is also effective in keeping a positive and vibrant mood.

5. Stop complaining
Complaining is the most powerful habit for confusing mood. Always remembering the negative and forgetting to thank so many positive things that happen is a bad habit. There is always a good side to every event and there are always things to be thankful for every day.

Complaining not only affects your mood but also other people around you. With a hobby of complaining, you unconsciously shower the surrounding environment with negative influences and ruin the atmosphere. Focus on the good and positive things even though the problem continues to attack. Challenge yourself not to complain for one day, one week, or one month. Feel the difference in yourself.

6. Friends and family
The closest people who are fun are the most effective mood enhancing drugs. Do not forget to always provide free time for activities or just a small chat with family. Build close and quality relationships with family and close friends. The feeling of having friends and family who are always supportive can make someone more confident.

Don't just approach them when you're sad. In happy times do not forget to invite friends and family to join in the fun. In the era of advanced technology like today there is no reason to break up communication with family or close friends. Use telephone, text messages, social media, or other communication services if you don't have the chance to meet face to face.

7. Positive words
Happy to praise someone can also make a better mood. Praise a friend or family if he is doing a good activity or change. Even if it's just a new haircut or a new job and other achievements, give a sincere compliment to friends or relatives. Their happiness with your praise can be contagious and makes you feel happier. But remember, give praise in its place and do not choose.

In addition to praise, do not hesitate to always express love to your loved ones. Don't just always spit the word love to a partner. Say love also to your parents, friends, or family. If there are still feelings of shame, express it with other forms that still show your love and attention. Feelings of love can make you happier and more excited in life.

8. Saving money
Although a little try to save regularly every month. Try to save regularly or find a bank product that can make savings automatically so there is no reason not to save. Eventually you will have enough savings to realize your dreams or just to take a vacation to unwind.

9. Maintain health
Exercise, healthy eating and vacationing are the keys to reducing stress and living a healthy life. Take 30 minutes every day to exercise lightly. Do yoga or meditation to help strengthen the physical while calming the mind. Avoid consuming too much food that triggers various diseases, especially high calorie foods, offal, and fried foods. Consumption of enough vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

Reduce consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Replace with diligent drinking enough water to keep the body fresh. Get rid of habits that damage health such as smoking and lack of sleep. Make changes gradually and feel the difference in your body. Often sickness will affect many aspects of your life.

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