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3 Things That Affect Happiness

3 Things That Affect Happiness

Everyone will want to get happiness in life. But unfortunately not everyone can feel it because of various obstacles. In fact, happiness not only makes the mind relax, but also a huge influence on health.

Dr. Taufiq Pasiak, Head of the Division of Neuroscience / Neuroanatomy of the Anatomy-Histology Department, Sam Ratulangi University Faculty of Manado, said that there is a very close relationship between happiness, spirituality and the brain.

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"Happiness can make people live longer, survival (able to survive), and reduce morbidity," he said, during a seminar on Healthy Brain for Healthy Life, at MRCCC Siloam Semanggi, Saturday (01/14/2012).

Taufiq explained that there are three factors that can affect a person's happiness as explained below:

1. Intentional activity

Daily activities contribute 50 percent of happiness. That is, everyone must be able to live side by side with others in a valuable relationship. Associating, making friends, visiting family, friendship, is one form of activity that can increase one's level of happiness. "Our nation is actually a community of mutual cooperation. Positive values for raising the level of happiness are already there, but less explored properly", he said.

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2. Genetic factors

Maybe many don't realize that happiness can actually be derived from genetic alias. According to Taufiq, someone who has a happy family, then he has a greater chance of being happy than someone with an unhappy family. "It's not the happiness that is revealed, but the chance to be happy. So create a happy family, because it's an opportunity to create happy children," he said.

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3. Be thankful

The social status or position of a person in the community apparently is not the biggest factor that contributes to happiness, because the effect is only 10 percent. Even Taufiq continued, wealth only has a low correlation with the level of happiness. "The most important thing is that someone must be grateful for what he has," he said.

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